It would raise complex – and still unanswered – questions about the common defence of the British Isles, the future of the currency and political arrangements for the rest of the UK. 随之而来的还有各种复杂、且仍然无解的问题,比如不列颠群岛的共同防卫、英镑的未来、以及英国其余地区在政治上的安排。
This means common strategies will only suffice as a defence against the enemy. 意思是普通战略只能用于对敌人的防御而已。
A sense of common danger combined them in operations of defence. 共同的危险感使他们联合起来进行防卫战。
Second, it stops target companies from putting up the kinds of artificial barriers to block unwelcome takeovers that are common in the US, from the poison pill defence to stopping shareholders being able immediately to vote out boards that stand in the way of bids. 其次,该守则能够防止目标公司制造人为障碍,阻挠在美国常见的不受欢迎的收购,例如毒丸防御手段,或是让股东无法立刻投票将阻挠收购的董事会扫地出门。
This leaves one common, final defence: what business schools are doing works. 再来看最后一个比较普遍的辩护理由:商学院的所作所为是有意义的。
Every nation in this coalition has chosen to bear the duty and share the honour of serving in our common defence. 这个联盟的每一个国家都为了共同防御承担责任,并为此感到自豪。
And to be more credible, Europeans must revive their common defence policy and "assume fully their responsibility and role of ensuring their security and that of the world." 而更可靠的是,欧洲人必须复兴共同防御政策,并“完全承担起自己的责任,确保欧洲和世界的安全。”
"No one could possibly have anticipated this disaster" is another common line of defence. “没人能预见到这场灾难”则是一个常见的辩护理由。
EU has acquired a single currency, a common foreign policy, a passport-free travel zone and policies on justice and home affairs, plus a nascent defence alliance with its own military-planning staff. 正是用这样的方式,欧盟采用了单一货币,统一的外交政策,建立了免护照旅行区,实施司法和内政政策,以及新近成立的有自主参谋部的防务联盟。
Muri Lignei-A wooden wall is the most common defence for new settlements and semi-permanent forts in the northern provinces. 在北方行省,木墙是一个新的定居点和半永久据点最常见的防御工事。
As for Europe, it says that the bloc needs to sort out a common defence strategy and modernise its economy-arguments still made today. 谈到欧洲,书中表示,该地区需要制定一个共同的防务战略,并加快经济现代化步伐,这些说法如今依然适用。
The safety of the public must always come first is a compelling mantra – but only if the public really believe their safety is in jeopardy. No one could possibly have anticipated this disaster is another common line of defence. 必须始终把公众的安全放在首位是一句颇有说服力的口号&但前提是公众真的相信自己的安全受到了威胁。没人能预见到这场灾难则是一个常见的辩护理由。
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United states; but all duties, imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United states; 国会拥有下列权力:规定和征收直接税金、间接税、进口税与货物税,以偿付国债、提供合众国共同防御与公共福利,但所有间接税、进口税与货物税应全国统一;
The common cold may prevent A ( H1N1) infection by activating the body's antiviral defence system, researchers have told New Scientist ( 12 November). 科学家告诉《新科学家》杂志(11月12日)说,普通感冒可能通过激活人体的抗病毒防御系统从而阻止甲型H1N1流感的感染A(H1N1)。
High rock slope ( HRS) is a common type in practiced projects such as mining engineering, communications& transport engineering, hydraulic engineering and national defence construction etc. 岩质高边坡在矿山开采、交通运输、水利和国防等建设工程中十分常见,其稳定性对这些工程有着重要的影响。
EU Common Defence: Development, Cause and Problems 欧盟共同防务:进展、动因与问题
Analysis of a Common Network Security Defence System Model 一种通用的网络安全防御系统模型分析
To develop common defence, EU need to adjust its relationships with the United States and NATO, to solve its internal problems and in the meantime to deal with the problems such as Western European Union joining EU. 欧盟发展共同防务需要妥善处理与美国和北约的关系,同时还要解决将西欧联盟纳入欧盟和联盟内部的诸多问题。
At the stage of trial the lawyer's rights such as acquiring notices, arguing, proposing evidence, inquiring and acquiring judicial documents could be ensured basically as a result of the common participation of the defence, the procuratorial authority and the court. 审判阶段因为有控诉、辩护、审判三方的共同参与,辩护律师在此阶段的获得通知权、辩论权、提出证据权、质询权、司法文书获取权基本上能得到保障。
Yet, these developments have not had substantial influence over the building of defence cooperation, as the implementation of Common Security and Defence Policy is still going on, and there have been some new actions in peace-keeping. 但是,防务领域的建设并未受到实质性影响,共同安全和防务政策不仅继续稳步推进,甚至在维和方面有所突破。
The Kosovo war has been pushing forward the development of EU common defence, beside that, there are some other deeper historical and practical reasons that are the result of long process of European integration. 科索沃战争催化、推进了欧盟共同防务建设。除此之外,欧盟共同防务取得进展还有着深层次的历史和现实动因,它是一体化长期发展的结果。
The launch of the Common European Security and Defence Policy ( CESDP) is a decisive measure in European integration which would provide a new field for studies on European integration. 共同安全与防务政策的启动是欧洲一体化进程中的一个突破性举措,欧洲一体化研究因此增加了一个新的视点。
This scheme integrates the common active and passive detection, and can be used for civil security as well as auxiliary defence of army vigilance. 该方案结合目前常用的主动和被动探测的优点,除了一般民用场合的安全防范外,还可能用于部队警戒的辅助布防。
A common observation of severe necrotizing GAS infections is the paucity of front-line defence cells at the site of infection. 资料显示,一个常见的现象是在严重坏死的GAS感染部位的一线防御细胞数量极少。